Sunday, October 2, 2011

30 Day Challenge to Connect With People

Now days with the increased access to Social Media via Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, Blogs, Foursquare, etc and the rampant spread of text messaging it is possible that we have forgotten how to interact and engage with one another face to face.  The GOOD is daily email that I receive for the month of September they challenged their subscribers to Connect with People, well  I of course thought this was a great idea and thought I would share it with my friends.

The GOOD 30-Day Challenge: Connect with People

1. Send someone a postcard.
2. Have a conversation with a service employee.
3. Share an old photo with a friend.
4. Ask a relative what they did today.
5. Coordinate a Group Event.
6. Get coffee with a co-worker.
7. Buy a friend a gift under $5.
8. Email a Twitter pal.
9. Video chat with a faraway friend.
10. Feed a homeless person.
11. Do something nice for a neighbor.
12. Give 5 High-Fives
13. Call someone you haven’t talked to in years.
14 Say Hi to three strangers.
15. Make something for someone.
16. Leave someone a Thank You note.
17. Teach someone something.
18. Cook dinner for someone.
19. Send a friend three links they’ll love.
20. Give three compliments
21. Leave a positive comment on a stranger’s Blog.
22.  Ask for someone’s advice, and take it.
23. Thank an old teacher.
24. Go to a neighborhood business you’ve never been to.
25. Call someone instead of texting or posting on Facebook.
26. Lend someone a book.
27. Introduce two people who don’t know each other.
28. Email someone you admire but have never met.
29.  Settle an outstanding argument.
30.  Have a conversation with someone 20 years older or younger.

If anyone does accept the challenge or even chooses to pick a few items of this list share your experience with us all.